Jan 23, 2013

Today's Situation

Today blog about "Today's situation" .

07.30 am Come to Office,check all i did yesterday .make sure i did it right and missed nothing.
08.00 am Having breakfast and everything still normal .
08.30 am my colleague minus 0.5 point .
11.00 am Meeting with forwarder about shipping delayed.and it's my turn .
As usual, come to office and having breakfast before start working, and listen to one of my colleague who strike 0.5 point right now .=D Point mean minus Year End Bonus .

0.25 : 1/4 Month
0.50 : 1/2 Month
1 : 1 Month
Yesterday I was the one and only who achieve 0.25 point PIALA DUNIA PERTAMA .Muahaha and today my colleague win double of me. fiuhh because of small matter again and again.
after that, we were meeting with forwarder because our container has delayed because of documents problem for 7 days at S . It would be charged about S$ 80+ per day. S will charged to our forwarder and forwarder will charge back to us .But He refuse this payment . He said it's forwarder's lacked. How could be charged till 7 days . And the forwarder said because the stuff will arrive on 17 Jan'13 and the document from Bank that need to sign out on 16 Jan'13 about 2 pm .The bank said the process doc time need about 3 hours. And I said i wait for after work and going to Bank to collect the doc. But he refuse ! He said his back Office girl were off on time .I can't reach there for 30mins .So he ask me to collect by tomorrow morning. And I agree. So,  i collect the document by 17 Jan'13 and send it to forwarder directly .
It's need one day time to send the doc to S . So that's mean the stuff has delayed for a day .and I don't know what's the rest of problem my colleague made and become delayed 7 days.

I said already, what a fck year 2013 rite ??
  He is playing good on acting, i know he's bad mood because of losing main supplier.
and the sales decrease 50% off . *fainted
So, he vented it to all of us who make a small mistake. I can understand his feeling if i was him.  But hey we are innocent . We know your miserable and difficulties on this. But we've trying to help you ,but you are too stubborn ! You only think that your idea is the best . You never heard about ours.
Maybe we cannot give any good idea that make you feel satisfied,but at least give us a chance.
LET US TRY ! who knows ??

I think this year might be a tough year for me .And i don't know what should i do to lessen my predicament.
I have learned from my mistakes. I have take note for the hole i ever fall on . But still something new happen forward. So, i think that's called Experience laahh..
 I ever thought maybe I don't have an ability to be an "Assistant Manager" in account department.
I am still not qualify in this level . Or maybe i can i ask for Step down ?? or ...
Woww, why everything seems to be so serious ??
I always take thing seriously . I better don't do rather than do wrong .
But someone ever told me, "You have to be apathetic/Easy Going" .But i just can't .
If someone badmouthing about me or mad on me, i will think it over and over .
Maybe this is one of my weakness i thought .You cannot blame me what, everyone got weaknesses .

I know, i have done many mistakes recently .
I know you feel troubled.
I know, i have been always asking you to remind me the important thing,not the other way around.
I know, you have high expectation on me, but i always let you down.
I know, i cannot make you felt comfortable and fearless when you were out of town.
It's my fault .
Here sincerely i apologize "SORRY" Boss .


Jan 22, 2013

Mr.BRAIN vs Mrs.B+

Today i feel really bad .What a good 22nd January 2013 for me. 
I realize that i have been a BLUR QUEEN since i was secondary. But i did try to do the best ,yet everything seems doesn't work at all .
I just feel useless at this time. and nobody willing to hear my repeat mistakes.But hey, do you think this is what I WANT ?? Do u think i never try to be good ?? I used to buy a Notebook for myself to write whatever thing that might be forgotten. But still, i forget the one i thought it won't be forgotten.I have set an alarm on my phone's Calender to make sure i won't forget the events,wake up,homework,dating,etc. Somehow the alarm is disabled or i snooze snooze and snooze it. Muahaha 
Laugh ??Still can laugh ??*deepbreath
I did write on my gadget "Note", but i never remember to read it. I draw on my table calender like a rainbow paper,but still useless.Every time i do forget either A or B .Hmm, do you think this is just about eat a big bowl of pig brain soup?? It can't help anymore .=(

The Point is "I always forget the one i thought it might not be forgotten"!!!

Here is, what i want to say to my Handsome Brain

Dear Mr.Brain, please be good to me .
You have done much things wrong recently .
Even i feel ashamed,don't you ??!!
How do you want me to please for ?
I know you are a good thought, creative, fast thinking, but your capability only 100 MB, while Iphone MINIMUM internal storage achieve to 16GB nowadays .Sia Sueee aa !

LIST of my mistakes after Increment :
  • 15.10.12   Forget to Input Received Fund
  • 18.10.12   Forget to Input Received Fund
  • 12.12.12   Wrong timing for drawing Cheque
  • 04.01.13   Wrote a blank Cheque
  • 21.01.13   Forget to Input Cash Advance
Nahh, Four of Five variation mistakes. Creative right ?? 
But i thought it's kind of descent . I might be like my mom . Sorry mommy ! haha
But maybe my dad too ?? Because i was totally a forgetfulllllll person ! Is that a talent ??
Hey then why u generate to me,my dear parents ??fiuhh
And by the time,finally i get the answer .
The truth issssssss ....

B type personality

Traits Cheerful, Optimistic, Active, Sensitive, Kind, Forgetful, unorganized, Noisy
People with Type B are like Miley Cyrus: they can’t be tamed. They’re supposed to be wild, creative free-thinkers. But Type B people are also supposedly erratic and selfish.

Energetic and have the drive to reach towards goals. May be workaholics. Not the best team players and are individualistic. Do things at one's own pace. Strong personality adventurous. Likes to get one's own way. Are Sociable and enjoy entertaining.

Like to touch or be touched by others.
B type people pay attention to their thoughts a little more than their feelings, and therefore can sometimes seem cold and serious"

Blame whom?? Blame whom?? Blame you laa Mrs.B+ !!
At least i am not alone. I can share my misery with you now. =D *childish
Sorry for the misunderstood,Mr.Brain !


Jun 23, 2012

My Superman Daddy

Here you go !

My Superman Dad !
Taken on 17 June 2012 , Father's day =)

Jun 20, 2012

This is my story, what is yours ??

It has been awhile i haven't seen my boyboy  *wink
Because i have alot of schedule that waiting for me to do .
This week, i have to college for two lessons about 5 ?? 5 hours ohmygod!
I will be crazy for sitting at there for 5hours and listen to the lecturer twittering himself like a bird in cage maybe. Even i took 2hours lesson, i still feel sleepy and almost fall sleep in the class everytimes.

How i wish i can spend my day or maybe hour on shopping ? 
Salon ? body spa? facial skin care ?? Dating ?? Gathering with family ?? Hiksssssssssssssssssssssssss
In fact, i have spent my time with college, working, assignments, alone, no dating and no gathering !!! 
What a good life i have been now . Living away from parent is not really that fun LOL! Trust me!
You need to do all the things by yourself . But how about if you get sick ?? Sick is the worst problem i thought ! When you need help or want to ask for something, MOM always be there . But if you are a roamer, who will you asking for ?? depend on ?? That's the problem ! I could guarantee with you, there's none better than your mommy ! also papi laaa XD

The next week, MKDU exam is waiting for me .
Actually, i am not worrying about the exam but too bad, it snatched my quality hours time on weekend !
I spent all weekday in this month ! I need to do facial i think, because my wrinkles are spreadout now XD
How i wish to have a ladies time with mommy for doing some treatments, facial, spa, tea break or shopping with my sis , watching cinema or or or having a mini dating laaa !!!! Huhh

Last but not least, it's a bad June for me . I think, June always be a bad month for me =P
June 10, it was Sunday and i was preparing to go church that day .
Unusually, i woke up at 8 AM that day then i ask my friend to have a sumptuous dim sum .
So i fetch her at her home located in Nagoya Newton about 9 AM .
As i was there, i take out my phone and BBM her that i just arrived while somebody was knocking my car's window . In short, I dropped the glass about 5 inch ,
and asked him " Kenapa ? " [mean: Why ?]
He replied with dazed, " Nagoya dimana? " [Where is Nagoya? ]
I yelled, " APAAA?? " [WHATTT??]  because his voice really unclear.
He repeated, " Nagoya dimana? " again baffling Where is Nagoya? 
I roared, " Ya DISINIII LAA !! " [ Hereee whattt ]
Seems i get angry, he snatched my bag that i put beside my seat and jump to his partner motorbike that has prepared his treadle and disappear like a wind :-| *shocked
Guess what do i did ?? Hmm, just like human natural behaving . Hollow + Startle + Dread = BIG SHOCK
I don't why i just sitting there as has been hypnosis by them .
After 5 mins gone *tink* regain to consciousness Hahaha
I immediately screammm " RAMPOKKKK!! " [ ROBBBBBBBB ] 
But all are too late.. Everything's gone except my phone =(
What a bad June right ???
And last, i went to BCA weekend banking for blocking and apply a new one .
After that, i report to Police Station with continuous crying along the way.
I flashback the situation and tell them what has happened . Then the policeman show me a picture of a man and asked me , "Is he the man ?"
The man he show to me, was definitely YES, i said .
According to the conversations, HE has rob for uncountable times this recently .
The policeman ask me to pray for them for catch the culprit asap rather than continuous crying *wink
hahahahahaah Here i emphasize to you,
How could i stand for not crying ?? I suffer a great lost in less than 5 mins !!!

The conclusion and advices from me :

. Do not go out alone at night, especially you are a girl .

. Do not put your bag on side seat .

. Do noted when you out of the car .

. Do pay attention of anybody who's trailed you.

. Feel something wrong, do not stop and go out from your car .

Hope you are not the next victim !