Jan 22, 2013

Mr.BRAIN vs Mrs.B+

Today i feel really bad .What a good 22nd January 2013 for me. 
I realize that i have been a BLUR QUEEN since i was secondary. But i did try to do the best ,yet everything seems doesn't work at all .
I just feel useless at this time. and nobody willing to hear my repeat mistakes.But hey, do you think this is what I WANT ?? Do u think i never try to be good ?? I used to buy a Notebook for myself to write whatever thing that might be forgotten. But still, i forget the one i thought it won't be forgotten.I have set an alarm on my phone's Calender to make sure i won't forget the events,wake up,homework,dating,etc. Somehow the alarm is disabled or i snooze snooze and snooze it. Muahaha 
Laugh ??Still can laugh ??*deepbreath
I did write on my gadget "Note", but i never remember to read it. I draw on my table calender like a rainbow paper,but still useless.Every time i do forget either A or B .Hmm, do you think this is just about eat a big bowl of pig brain soup?? It can't help anymore .=(

The Point is "I always forget the one i thought it might not be forgotten"!!!

Here is, what i want to say to my Handsome Brain

Dear Mr.Brain, please be good to me .
You have done much things wrong recently .
Even i feel ashamed,don't you ??!!
How do you want me to please for ?
I know you are a good thought, creative, fast thinking, but your capability only 100 MB, while Iphone MINIMUM internal storage achieve to 16GB nowadays .Sia Sueee aa !

LIST of my mistakes after Increment :
  • 15.10.12   Forget to Input Received Fund
  • 18.10.12   Forget to Input Received Fund
  • 12.12.12   Wrong timing for drawing Cheque
  • 04.01.13   Wrote a blank Cheque
  • 21.01.13   Forget to Input Cash Advance
Nahh, Four of Five variation mistakes. Creative right ?? 
But i thought it's kind of descent . I might be like my mom . Sorry mommy ! haha
But maybe my dad too ?? Because i was totally a forgetfulllllll person ! Is that a talent ??
Hey then why u generate to me,my dear parents ??fiuhh
And by the time,finally i get the answer .
The truth issssssss ....

B type personality

Traits Cheerful, Optimistic, Active, Sensitive, Kind, Forgetful, unorganized, Noisy
People with Type B are like Miley Cyrus: they can’t be tamed. They’re supposed to be wild, creative free-thinkers. But Type B people are also supposedly erratic and selfish.

Energetic and have the drive to reach towards goals. May be workaholics. Not the best team players and are individualistic. Do things at one's own pace. Strong personality adventurous. Likes to get one's own way. Are Sociable and enjoy entertaining.

Like to touch or be touched by others.
B type people pay attention to their thoughts a little more than their feelings, and therefore can sometimes seem cold and serious"

Blame whom?? Blame whom?? Blame you laa Mrs.B+ !!
At least i am not alone. I can share my misery with you now. =D *childish
Sorry for the misunderstood,Mr.Brain !


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