Jan 23, 2013

Today's Situation

Today blog about "Today's situation" .

07.30 am Come to Office,check all i did yesterday .make sure i did it right and missed nothing.
08.00 am Having breakfast and everything still normal .
08.30 am my colleague minus 0.5 point .
11.00 am Meeting with forwarder about shipping delayed.and it's my turn .
As usual, come to office and having breakfast before start working, and listen to one of my colleague who strike 0.5 point right now .=D Point mean minus Year End Bonus .

0.25 : 1/4 Month
0.50 : 1/2 Month
1 : 1 Month
Yesterday I was the one and only who achieve 0.25 point PIALA DUNIA PERTAMA .Muahaha and today my colleague win double of me. fiuhh because of small matter again and again.
after that, we were meeting with forwarder because our container has delayed because of documents problem for 7 days at S . It would be charged about S$ 80+ per day. S will charged to our forwarder and forwarder will charge back to us .But He refuse this payment . He said it's forwarder's lacked. How could be charged till 7 days . And the forwarder said because the stuff will arrive on 17 Jan'13 and the document from Bank that need to sign out on 16 Jan'13 about 2 pm .The bank said the process doc time need about 3 hours. And I said i wait for after work and going to Bank to collect the doc. But he refuse ! He said his back Office girl were off on time .I can't reach there for 30mins .So he ask me to collect by tomorrow morning. And I agree. So,  i collect the document by 17 Jan'13 and send it to forwarder directly .
It's need one day time to send the doc to S . So that's mean the stuff has delayed for a day .and I don't know what's the rest of problem my colleague made and become delayed 7 days.

I said already, what a fck year 2013 rite ??
  He is playing good on acting, i know he's bad mood because of losing main supplier.
and the sales decrease 50% off . *fainted
So, he vented it to all of us who make a small mistake. I can understand his feeling if i was him.  But hey we are innocent . We know your miserable and difficulties on this. But we've trying to help you ,but you are too stubborn ! You only think that your idea is the best . You never heard about ours.
Maybe we cannot give any good idea that make you feel satisfied,but at least give us a chance.
LET US TRY ! who knows ??

I think this year might be a tough year for me .And i don't know what should i do to lessen my predicament.
I have learned from my mistakes. I have take note for the hole i ever fall on . But still something new happen forward. So, i think that's called Experience laahh..
 I ever thought maybe I don't have an ability to be an "Assistant Manager" in account department.
I am still not qualify in this level . Or maybe i can i ask for Step down ?? or ...
Woww, why everything seems to be so serious ??
I always take thing seriously . I better don't do rather than do wrong .
But someone ever told me, "You have to be apathetic/Easy Going" .But i just can't .
If someone badmouthing about me or mad on me, i will think it over and over .
Maybe this is one of my weakness i thought .You cannot blame me what, everyone got weaknesses .

I know, i have done many mistakes recently .
I know you feel troubled.
I know, i have been always asking you to remind me the important thing,not the other way around.
I know, you have high expectation on me, but i always let you down.
I know, i cannot make you felt comfortable and fearless when you were out of town.
It's my fault .
Here sincerely i apologize "SORRY" Boss .


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