Mar 7, 2012

Sleeping Beauty story XD

Today is rainy day.. 
I almost overslept for everymorning,my friend came to pick me at 6.50 am and usually i awake at 6.35 (PS : I hv took bath and surely fragrant XD) but i woke up at 6.20 today. Its a cold cold day.. Need someone's warmth..#blush

 Long, long ago when fairies could still grant wishes, there lived a king and queen who   wanted a baby daughter more than anything in the whole world.

Eventually, their wish came true and they had a party to celebrate the birth of a beautiful baby girl.

They invited all their friends and the twelve most important fairies in the land. Everyone had a wonderful time and gave the little princess lots of lovely gifts for her christening.

The twelve fairies gave her special magical gifts such as beauty, kindness, honesty, and happiness.

The eleventh fairy had just given her gift when there was a clap of thunder and suddenly a horrible wicked fairy appeared.

"How dare you not invite me to the party! I have a gift I want to give the baby princess but because you forgot to invite me, it is not a very nice gift!

When the princess is sixteen years old she shall prick her finger on a spindle and die!" She laughed a wicked laugh and disappeared with a flash of lightening.

Everyone was frightened at what had happened and the king ordered all the spindles in the land to be destroyed. Suddenly, the twelfth fairy spoke up.

" I cannot undo the spell on the princess, but I still have my gift to give. The princess shall not die, but instead she shall sleep for one hundred years"

However, gradually people forgot about the awful spell and the princess grew up into a lovely young girl.

On her sixteenth birthday, the young princess found a tower in the palace she had never seen before. She climbed the steps and found an old woman sitting at a spindle.

It was the wicked fairy. The princess bent over the spindle and pricked her finger. The fairy laughed a nasty laugh and the poor princess fell down as if she was dead.

The spell had come true. The king and queen and all the servants in the palace fell asleep. Even the birds stopped singing and fell asleep.

A great thorn hedge grew round the palace. Time seemed to stand still for many years. People outside the palace tried to get through the hedge but couldn't as it was so prickly. The years passed and, unhappily, people forgot the story of the sleeping princess.

One day, many years later, a handsome prince came riding in the forest surrounding the palace. He touched the prickly hedge but the thorns turned into roses.

The prince walked through the hedge, easily pushing the branches out of the way. He was surprised at all the sleeping people he saw.

He climbed up the tower and found the sleeping princess. He thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and bent down to kiss her.

Immediately, the spell was broken. One hundred years had passed. The king and queen and everyone else in the palace woke up.

The cook put a cake in the oven, the gardener started work in the garden and the birds started singing again.

As for the princess, she opened her eyes and instantly fell in love with the prince.

Thats all.
I found that story is quite boring!
Just a simply story that the Princess is beautiful and she got attacked by spell that make her sleep for hundred years.
Simple and easy to understand ! =D
waiting for my next good story~

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